Meghan Biss Comments in Law360 on NRA Investigation

Law360 Tax Authority

Faced with the precarious task of ruling on whether the National Rifle Association violated its tax-exempt status, the IRS exempt organizations division is likely to let state investigations into the group take the lead rather than risk a political backlash.

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Another reason the EO division may follow the lead of others is based on its operating protocols of waiting for criminal charges to be resolved before pursuing its own measures, Meghan Biss, Of Counsel at Caplin & Drysdale, told Law360. Biss spent almost a decade at the IRS where, for part of her service, she worked in the TEGE division.

"If there's a criminal investigation going on, they're going to want that to happen first, so that nothing that occurs on a civil side is going to impact their ability to conclude a criminal investigation and pursue criminal charges," she said.

To view the full article, please visit Law360's website (subscription required).

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